
CinematicOrchestra-ToBuildAHome.中文翻譯/小郁.Outinthegardenwhereweplantedtheseeds.走出那我們曾經在土裡種下種子的花園.Thereisatreeasold ...,2018年2月4日—*歌詞是個人詮釋,沒有逐字翻.ToBuildAHome建造一個家.Thereisahousebuiltoutofstone.有一座石頭建造的房子.Woodenfloors,wallsand ...,歌曲翻譯TheCinematicOrchestra-ToBuildaHome變成中文.有一座用石头建造的房子木地板,墙壁和窗台桌子和椅子被所有灰尘磨损...

Cinematic Orchestra

Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home. 中文翻譯/ 小郁. Out in the garden where we planted the seeds. 走出那我們曾經在土裡種下種子的花園. There is a tree as old ...

To Build A Home │ 劇場交響樂團(Ft. 派翠克華森)

2018年2月4日 — *歌詞是個人詮釋,沒有逐字翻. To Build A Home 建造一個家. There is a house built out of stone. 有一座石頭建造的房子. Wooden floors, walls and ...

The Cinematic Orchestra

歌曲翻譯The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home 變成中文. 有一座用石头建造的房子木地板,墙壁和窗台桌子和椅子被所有灰尘磨损这是我一个人不孤单的地方这是我 ...

To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra - (Step Up 4

2015年11月29日 — To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra - (Step Up 4 - 舞力全開4) ... 文章標籤. 歌詞 翻譯 Step Up 4 舞力全開4. 全站熱搜. 痞客邦送大禮. 下載APP ...

to build a home的歌词讲了什么故事?

To Build A Home 建造一个家The Cinematic Orchestra There is a house built out of stone 岩石堆中有一座房屋Wooden floors, walls and window sills.

To Build A Home-歌詞

To Build A Home-歌詞- There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls and window sills Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust This.

To Build a Home 歌词, 中文歌词

This is a place where I don't feel alone. 这里让我心有归属. This is a place where I feel at home. 这里让我无拘无束. I built a home. 我砌了座房子.